Working with Tasks
Who is this article for?Ideagen EHS Users working with Tasks
Access to document management is required.
Tasks assigned to the logged-in user are displayed on the right. Clicking on a task will take the user to the screen where the task can be completed.
The following types of tasks can be performed:
1) Uploaded Pending Details
2) Pending Periodic Review
3) Pending Acknowledgements
4) Pending Approvals
5) Draft Pending Submittal
6) Approved Pending Release
This article outlines how to work with assigned Tasks.
1. Working with Tasks
- Click on the Documents icon.
- Click on the Document Management menu item.
- Click on the Manage Documents menu item.
- Navigate to and Select the "All Task"
2. Further Reading
- How to Upload a Document
- How to Approve or Reject a Document
- Submit a Change Request
- Canceling Approval Request