24.1 Audit Management Release Notes
Who is this article for?Users who want to learn more about changes in version 24.1.
No elevated access or permissions are required.
This article outlines feature changes, enhancements, and fixes introduced with this update.
1. Features
1.1. Configurable Text Response Questions
Prior to 24.1, setup did not have an option to configure a Text Response. With this update, we wanted to provide the flexibility to configure Text Responses for qualitative questions.
This enhancement:
- Has an option to define if a question is text response question or pre-defined response question.
- Adds "Is this a Text Response Question?" radio button field in Question Details.
- When responded 'Yes', system hides all options to create pre-defined responses.
When responded 'No', system will continue to behave as it behaves today. - The field is made read only as soon as the question is added to a protocol.
- The field is added to the list screen available list of columns but not added to the default system views.
- Questions created through Import will be created as pre-defined response questions and Admin can later modify them as text response question from Question Detail screen, if needed.
- When responded 'Yes', system hides all options to create pre-defined responses.
Ability to create Text Response question will be brought to Question Import Tool as part of Question Import Tool upgrade, which is part of Roadmap.
- In the Questionnaire screen, questions defined as text response will be displayed with a text area control instead of drop down control.
- Web only: Text area will accept up to 2000 characters. However due to dynamic nature of the screen, characters left count cannot be displayed.
- Web only: System will throw an alert when character limit is reached.
- Text area will expand to multiple lines based on the content.
- Text Response questions will not have any scoring or possible value to it.
- The question will be treated as answered when there is character inserted in the text area.
- Text Response questions will be counted as answered or not answered in all existing reports and summary screen.
- All existing available feature for pre-defined response questions will be available for text response questions as well with below exceptions.
- Finding will be displayed as optional, marked with a blue icon.
- Enforce Comments based on Response Type feature will not be applicable for Text Response questions.
- In case answered text response question is made blank and saved, it will be treated as “Not Answered” question and related finding, if any will be deleted.
1.2. Configurable Cascading Questions
Before this update, Audit Management did not offer a feature to build a dependency between Questions in a specific section. This addition will allow Questions to be configured by Protocol, increasing end user efficiency in performing audits or inspections when Parent questions are not applicable.
This enhancement:
- Has an option to define dependency between questions of a section from Protocol Question List using dependency column.
- Dependency can be defined up to any level:
- Question A
- Question B
- Question C
- nth level
- Question C
- Question B
- Question A
- Same question cannot be mapped to multiple Parent questions as a Child question.
- Users have flexibility to move already dependent question under a different Parent question or make it dependent on another response.
- Sequence screen will display only Parent questions.
- Child questions will have the sequence in the order they are made Child.
- The defined dependency remains specific to the Protocol.
- This is a product level feature, so it will be available for all customers by default.
- Free Text Response question cannot be made Parent of another question.
- An alert is displayed if invalid question is selected.
- Users can remove/reset defined dependency.
- Users can view number of dependent questions count for a response of Parent question.
- View Protocol Report and View Question report in Protocol List screen have been updated to display dependency configuration.
- When a Program is created using protocol with dependent questions, system displays only Parent questions first.
- Dependent questions are displayed when respective response is manually selected.
- In case of a question having default response, system displays dependent questions when default responses are saved.
- Dependent questions are indicated in green color highlight at the beginning of the row.
- As currently happens, any change in the dependency will not reflect to existing programs until Reload Protocol is used.
- Audit Progress calculation will happen based on total number of questions that are visible to the user.
- Any dependent question which is not applicable as respective response is not selected, will not be counted.
For example: Question 1 has 5 Child questions. Out of 5, 3 are dependent on 'Yes' response and 2 are dependent on 'No' response.
- Any dependent question which is not applicable as respective response is not selected, will not be counted.
- In questionnaire screen if Question 1 is responded as Yes then there are total 4 questions will be considered for all calculations.
- Questions that are dependent on No response will be ignored.
Question count in Protocol screen and Questionnaire screen may not match if there is any dependency configured. It will vary based on the selected response
2. Fixes
- Protocol Section and Question Details are now localised in all screens and application reports.
- Screen refresh when adding a finding has been removed.
In case of "All Sections", sections will be displayed in collapsed mode and questions will load for respective section when expanded. This will help Auditors in deciding the section applicability and then expand only the section they want to work with. This will also enhance the screen load time. - Default view has been changed from "All Years" to "Current and Previous Year".
Load Time has reduced to 10 seconds. - "Add Category" option will be displayed same as how it displays in Question Category field while creating a Question.
- All columns having 2000 character would be displayed up to 50 characters in Action Item List screen.
On mouse hover, full text will be displayed as a tool tip. - Reports will always display first Action Item for the Finding (with latest information).
3. Further Reading
- 24.1 Foundation & Framework Release Notes
- 24.1 Incident Management Release Notes
- 24.1 Industrial Hygiene Release Notes
- 24.1 Insight Release Notes
- 24.1 LMS Release Notes
- 24.1 Mobile Pro Release Notes
- 24.1 Occupational Health Release Notes
- 24.1 Performance Management Release Notes
- 24.1 Risk Assessment Release Notes